Living on Beaver Creek just north of Williams Valley Road can be wild!
These five skunks have been visitors during the summer of 2010.
One very early morning Bill looked out the window and there was this Eagle perched on a pole down along Beaver Creek. He stayed put just long enough to take this one picture. A very rare opportunity.
A wild turkey tom.
Two rare white turkey chicks.
Young turkeys.
Notice the antlers, a long one on one side, normal 3 points on the other side.
Bill's big buck has practically survived another Hunting Season. This was taken November 13, 2010.
BILL SEBRIGHT'S SNOW SHOVELING SHADOW, DECEMBER 4, 2010. This self portrait shows Bill working on his house roof. As we near the end of another decade and times change, but one thing that will never change is snow in Clayton.
This big Buck has been hanging around the ranch since he was sporting spots. If word gets out he's a goner. Beautiful!
This tom is a front yard visitor.
This tom and harem are back yard visitors.
This is a Cooper's hawk in the maple next to the wood shed.
Will you ever see a more perfect set of antlers ever & in the velvet no less?