Suzzallo Library, University of Washington
These photos were taken by Dr. Robert Christian, Pastor of Heritage Congregational Church, Spokane, WA, on October 1, 2007.
During the late winter and early spring of 1924, sculptor Allan Clark created 18 three-quarter life size statues for placement on the exterior of the new Suzzallo Library being constructed on the Seattle campus of the University of Washington. Those statues were sculpted and fired at the terra cotta works of the Washington Brick, Lime, and Sewer Pipe Company in Clayton, Washington. Below are photos of 14 of those terra cotta statues. For the complete story of how these wonderful artifacts came into being, check the website's menu for this album's companion page, "Creating the Suzzallo Statues".
During the late winter and early spring of 1924, sculptor Allan Clark created 18 three-quarter life size statues for placement on the exterior of the new Suzzallo Library being constructed on the Seattle campus of the University of Washington. Those statues were sculpted and fired at the terra cotta works of the Washington Brick, Lime, and Sewer Pipe Company in Clayton, Washington. Below are photos of 14 of those terra cotta statues. For the complete story of how these wonderful artifacts came into being, check the website's menu for this album's companion page, "Creating the Suzzallo Statues".

A magnificent picture of a magnificent structure. The source of this photo is rbaggio10 on Webshots. It is hoped that the Photographer will contact the Webmaster identified at bottom of the menu page. In doing so we will give proper credit or, follow the desire of the Photographer.